Self-Acess Reading Resources for L2 readers

Self-Access Reading Resources for L2 readers

Textbook : English Reading and Writing (주) 금성

Target Students : 2nd graders in High school/Advanced level

Categories : TOPIC-BASED

▶ Chapter 1. the golden mean,
Chapter 6. saving money
cultural differences,
▶ Chapter 2. personal space,
Chapter 3. world festivals
Chapter 4. my Korean name
environment or econ0my,
▶ Chapter 8. environment or economy
appreciation of literature,
▶ Chapter 10. who removed my cheese
the greatest story never told
▶ Chapter 7. the greatest story never told

◆ Purposes

▶ To be accustomed to reading through
a monitor for extensive reading

▶ In terms of websites dealing with contents in a textbook,
students are able to deepen their common sense.

▶ In light of activities, Students are able to find answers based on the text
not on their existing knowledge.


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:) 표시는 사이트 링크를 뜻하며
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